The University of Bremen was founded in 1971. It presently counts around 20.000 students and employs 2500 scientists, among them 270 professors with a wide spectrum of disciplines. In the natural sciences, engineering, the social sciences and the humanities as well as in teacher training the university has a long established tradition in interdisciplinary cooperation and excellent research. The University promotes diversity, has always encouraged the implementation of novel ideas and the independence of its early career researchers, and takes its social responsibility seriously.
The Center for Industrial Mathematics (ZeTeM) at the University of Bremen presently employs around 70 scientists and has considerable expertise in research and industry related projects. Solving complex problems in engineering and life sciences by using modern methods of applied mathematics is the main objective of this institution. At ZeTeM we undertake the complete problem-solving process: from modelling the original problem (in close interdisciplinary collaboration with users) through the mathematical analysis of the model to the development of software and simulation. The Life Science group focuses on development of computational and statistical methods for magnetic particle imaging and mass spectrometry imaging.